Sunday, November 20, 2005

bato bato sa langit

read my frends blog 2day, he was talking about how the greatest struggle is within oneself, how war isn't just wat we see on tv and news, and the only way to win against the war is to choose to fight the demon within us.

bfeh, all he did was makes me remember an old saying - "sinews of war, endless money".

once something is done once, its easier to do it again especially with war. i have never realized how true it is. the cold, hard fact is war can not be stoped by reason, and u are asking for the impossible when u say "lets all try to be a better person, each and everybody.... " its stupid and naive, and a SHIT LOAD OF CRACK!!! and i dont care even if u meant well, or if i hurt ur feelings, u r my frend and i'm telling u to stop this stupid ass shit now!! no - one !!! NOT ONE single person will benefit from such sentiment. aha, at this point some of u out there might think, well if i can reach at least 1 person, make 1 person a bettter person it will be worth it. WRONG!! wat u doin is sending them out there to be slaughtered. so if u think u are making the world a better place, think again! u are doin more damage than good.

alright, alright i know u meant well, but u need to think about it a bit more, be a bit more realistic and down to earth, things not gonna change because u have good moral fiber. things will only change when u are in a rare position of power to change things or to improve thing, these usually meant u have to get ur hands dirty and sometime even shake hands with the devil. every man that changed history are all ruthless men with chilling determination to get things done no matter wat, even if it means selling their own dear mom, and no mistake!!

u cant change things by being mr. goody - 2 - shoes, u got to have a bit of a cunt in u to survive in dis world, let alone helping others.


Blogger dodge said...

dis is the response of my frend, i couldn't post it in a new post. so i attached it here in comment:

^_^ Thanks for your comment mate. I don't take any offense
from you, and I know in my common sense that harsh
language are sometimes, acceptable. Don't you see bro?
we're living in a condemned n hillarious world. We meant not
to offense people but we did it anyway. Like we say: "I don't
mean to offend you but you doesn't look white to me". Im
not surprised nor impressed.

I think you kinda miss the point of my writings here. I never
meant to save or to change the world because I believe that
the World refuse to be changed. And I never meant to be
some sort of good boy or some sentimental n ignorrant jerk
who think being a better person can change the world. Whut
is a good person anywayz? can u really identify whut good
is in this modern world? can u say abortion is good or bad?
gennocide in the name of saving a country? confused? can't
make up your mind? its ok, coz we're fallen way too deep.

All I know that the world will come to an end

C.S. Lewis said:
"We are still sinners, but new kind of sinners: sinners who
no longer believe in sin. This is the most dangerous kind.
We're sinaholics in denial"

"..our dark and desperate search for joy and life and power,
means we can't stop. We are addicts only pretending to be
free. In reality, if we do not serve God, we must serve a

If Lewis is right, then whut we see today is damn real.

But hey, enough of the scarry shit. Coz they're still a hope.

I don't belong here man. I don't belong to this doomed
planet. Me, myself and the rest of believers are spies from
another world, ..heaven. Kinda fairy taley huh?

I don't care what the world say, but I chosed to follow Christ.
He is the only way out from our selfish, self-consumed, self-
righteous, and pride-maniacal nature. We can't save

And when Im talkin about war, yes we ought to win a soul;
draw a person closer to God. The victory is not a tribute to
this world, its gonna be celebrated in Heaven and thatz
gonna be..Rock n Roll concert a.l.a Heaven.

To close this, lemme share u a story of Mahatma Gandhi.
We're all know that he was obsessed with bible and Jesus
Christ. Though he is not yet a Christian, he simply live up
Christ life. He believe that we can defeat evil with good and
that is exactly what he did. He urged his fellow countryman
not to retaliate British opression with hate and weapon, but
with love and sacrifice. So there we go, we got hundreds of
Indians being slaugthered by Biritsh bayonetters without any
single retaliation. Then, India gain independence from the

One day, if I meet Mahatma Gandhi n the rest of his
countrymen in heaven, I will not surprised. And I wont be
surprised eiher, if I see an once dedicated Christian or any
good guy or even a pastor being condemned to hell.

Get it? ^_^

6:06 PM  

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