Wednesday, March 05, 2008

back again with more gibberish and

from the daily grind, meaningless and in-consequential existence, all day long we try to validate the meaninglessness of our work, our existence, our life, tryin to give it some sort of meaning, so with each passing day, we lie to ourselves and tell ourselves we have made a difference.. absorbed in our little world, and assuming the universe is as shallow as our deepest thought.....

in truth, there is not much difference to be made, anything we do is in-consequential and ultimately amount to nothing, and we will always be absorbed in the little worlds we created around ourselves, but mayb, the single most important thing in life is being able to do wat u want and gets away with it.

accepting the meaninglessness of it all and be brave enough to live on and fight it out, and preserve the very core of your being until the very last. BE STRONG, BE VERY STRONG.