Tuesday, January 10, 2006

stan "tookie" williams

stanley william is a gang banger. he was convicted and sentenced to death. in fact his execution was quite recent, just a couple of weeks before christmas i think. there is something different wif dis gangster though. he's a nobel 'peace' prize nominee.

wat happend wif stan william is dat, while he was in solitary confinement, he started learning stuff and basically changed his persona, instead of a being a notorious gangster who founded the crips he campaigned for an end to the street violence, he tried to reach out to kids and teenagers and even appealed to his former gang members to stop the killings.

someppl say, anybody can be nominated for nobel prize, so according to them the whole thing is a publicity stunt by the non-death penalty supporters. well, bullshit, not anybody can be nominated, candidates are nominated by qualified ppl who have received invitation from the nobel committee, so u cant nominate u self or u spouse. wat really annoyed me was that its all prejudice disguised as righteous anger, fuck dis shit. i would be more tolerant to their veiw if they just come out and say, well he use to be a gang banger and we dont care if he changed or not we want him hang because we are mean, frustrated haters.

stanley william himself have not confessed of his crime, which was the murder of 4 ppl during an armed robbery, although he claim he was convicted by an all-white jury, he mayb playing up the story, who knows? truth is always the first casualty of war, especially in information and media war. but i think there is a sincere effort there to repent for past mistakes, and the real funny thing is he JUST GOT to be executed even though he put so much work into ending the violence, actually no, better make it ESPECIALLY because he puts so much effort into ending the street wars. u see its an perfect example of hard stance of government on street war. zero tolerance. its a tragedy but such is life. life is a comedy for ppl wif a dysfunctional sense of humor.


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