heart and soul
mayb the world will be a bit better if every1 treat each other a bit better, just a bit more understanding, a bit more tolerance, a bit more good will. i know how easy it is to fill ur heart with hate and bitterness. some1 once said " when u stare into the darkness, the darkness stares back at u." it is only when we lack faith in ourselves, we start doubting others.
mayb it is true, once we have gone down that road of cynicism, we can not return to wat we once were, but we have not lost ourselves to the darkness, i believe there is still a part of us, no matter how small, is still good and is capable of loving others and being loved. that is our very soul.
i believe firmly and deeply, no matter how jaded we become to cynicism, we will not and can not lose our soul. so, even if you are cynical to the core, have faith in urself, believe in the kindness of your heart.